Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So Grateful for Operation Gratitude

My friend Alexis at Magnum Boots, USA sent me a link through Twitter last week to a site called Operation Gratitude. They are kicking off their fall and winter scarf drive where they need help from any knitter and crocheter who would like to participate.

[caption id="attachment_85" align="alignright" width="223" caption="Tunisian scarf in progress"][/caption]

This project helps support our troops who are fighting for our freedom by providing them with a handmade scarf that's been crocheted or knitted by one of us back home. There are some specific guidelines to be followed with regard to color and size, but I thought this was a very easy way to combine my hobby with a bit of giving back to those who are putting themselves on the line for me and my freedom.

As I've mentioned in past episodes of my podcast we have a connection to the United States military in my household, and my husband does what he can to support our troops around the world personally and through his business. I was so excited when Alexis led me to this project because I felt like it was a perfect match for me and what I could do to help the troops, too.

The only thing I'm struggling with is that I can't crochet fast enough! I'm using Tunisian crochet knit and purl stitches to create the scarf I'm currently working on and I must admit it's a slow process. Slower than regular crocheting. But, I absolutely love the texture and look of the fabric that's coming together by using the Tunisian stitch combination so I'm dedicated to making more that look like this. Maybe I'll get faster as I keep going.

[caption id="attachment_86" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Continuing the progress"][/caption]

Are you interested in learning Tunisian crochet? I took a wonderful class from Mary Beth Temple of Getting Loopy back in April, but if a class is not in your immediate future you can find some great videos on YouTube that will help get you started. Here's a link to Stitch Diva's channel where you'll find several Tunisian related videos. And, just in case you're wondering where I got the yarn for this project, I visited The Knitting Fairy in Grand Prairie, Texas on Saturday and purchase my yarn there. What a wonderful shop full of inspiring yarns and a cozy, inviting atmosphere.

How are you keeping those hand stitchin' this week?