I just wanted to share with you a bit of the wonderment that I experienced this past weekend while in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For starters, the mountains are glorious. The drive from Albuquerque to Santa Fe in the afternoon is such a lovely one. I can't get over how much I love seeing the mountains, no matter if they are snow covered or rock. I think about when they may have been created and how their evolution has changed them.
The weather was sensational. Such a change from the nasty heat and humidity in Texas. My husband was in Colorado over the weekend, too, and we were comparing notes about how much we loved the scenery that surrounded us. We also compared notes on how we want to live near such beauty. But, that will come later... a few more years down the road at least.
[caption id="attachment_98" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Backyard Beauty"]

Then there was the cozy little yarn shop I found on Friday with Mom. Tutto Santa Fe. The warm colors and textures that enveloped me as I moved from shelf to shelf was so comforting. I imagine I had a smile on my face that was a bit on the goofy side. But, that's ok. I spoke up and asked the shopkeeper about his amazing stash for sale, and learned that yarn from the Santa Fe area tends to be a bit rough for knitting and crochet. He noted it was great for weaving, but since I wasn't in the market for a weaving project I asked him to direct me to something soft, squishy and knittable. (Now, knittable is a word I'm making up, you see.)
My dear crochet friends, please do not be alarmed at the mention of knitting. I'm still very much in love with crocheting and plan to continue along with my usual stitch adventures. But, while visiting my mom (who is more of a knitter than a crocheter) I thought it would be fun to work in a bit of stitching time together. I hoped she would be able to help me remember what I've learned in the past about knitting, and since I usually confuse the knit and purl stitches, I looked forward to her setting me straight.
The Tutto Shopkeeper asked me about my knitting experience, which I noted was extremely basic, and then showed me a completed scarf that immediately called my name. It was so soft, bouncy, a light shade of green and it was made entirely of a simple knit stitch. I was sold! I picked a sweet burnt orange shade of 100% Alpaca Isager yarn, accepted the recommended size 7 Addi knitting needles and was sent on my merry way with a simple pattern typed up on my sales receipt. My goofy smiling face headed out the door with Mom in tow. Did I mention that Mr. Shopkeeper took the time to show me how to add a stitch at the end of each row? He very sweetly did just that and provided me some other helpful tips about the project. And, I didn't mention the pattern he wrote down for me was free? I really appreciated that little extra bit of sharing. I was an eager tourist and he could've easily charged me a few bucks for a pattern. His sweetness added to the charm of this LYS, I must say!
[caption id="attachment_97" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="100% Alpaca Yumminess"]

I've completed several more rows than what you can see here, and my stitches are full of flaws, but I'm quite proud of my first knitting project. Did I mention this is a lace weight yarn? I had to restart the project after my first attempt was frogged, but I was determined to make this project work. I figure by the time I finish this little ditty I'll be a whiz at knitting with fine yarns. Stay tuned!