Ok, so I'm sure you've seen lots of "letter" posts on various blogs this week where the author of a blog assigns you a letter and then you list 10 of your favorite things that all start with that letter. I left a note to Mojito Maven that I wanted to play along, and she assigned me the letter S. Ten of my favorite things are....
1. Snacks! I eat snacks every day...I pack them with my lunch and bring them to work, I throw them in my purse if I'm going to be out for a long period of time, and if I don't bring snacks along I'm wishing that I had them!

2. I love Swallows! As you can see by my tattoo image on my side bar. These birds have made a huge comeback in so many things lately... vintage clothing design, tattoos, home decor... and I love seeing them. I would love to hang little versions of these from my ceilings, but I don't think the guys in my hacienda would go for it!
3. Sending cards... I love writing out cards to friends and family members. Thank you cards, thinking of you cards, etc. But, I also LOVE receiving them! (Hint, hint...to anyone reading!) I actually received a Valentine's card from Mom yesterday and one today from one of my closest friends. Made my day!
4. Sewing. I love to sew. I'm a big chicken and don't really branch out that much to try new things, but I have tons of ideas in my head for future projects.
5. Sliding around in my socks. If I had wood floors I'd be in Heaven! Not to worry... I see a flooring change in my future!
6. Singing in the car. Especially after a glass of wine! Then I sound really good!
7. Sundaes. Hot fudge or caramel. YUM-MEE!
8. Shopping! Granted I don't get to shop too much, but man I love it when I do have t

9. Skating. Roller skating, that is. It takes me back to my childhood! I used to hit Skateland most weekends when I was in elementary school. I had the white skates with red glittery laces, and big fuzzy pom-poms with little bells in the middle on the toes!

10. Sushi & hot sake! Hubby turned me on to this after we started dating. It took me awhile to really get into it, but now I'm hooked. I actually have a date with Hubby for Sushi next week...can't wait!
A big thanks to Mojito Maven for letting me play along! If you would like to play, just leave a comment and I'll assign a letter to you, too.