I can't wait to add more of these little cuties to my collection! There are so many to choose from and for all kinds of occasions. My little cupcake Pixie is made from wood and has little cherries painted on her apron and in her hair. I adore cherries!
There was one named Soul, but I can't find a picture of her online yet. Evidently the doll maker reuses some of the names, so when I searched for Soul a different little doll popped up. The Soul that I looked at has a jumper on with the same colors of my blog... turquoise and red! And so does this little cutie to the left... a best friends message doll. I would LOVE to receive that from a friend. (Not that any of my friends really know about my toy addiction... I need to work on that!) I've found that having these little things around make me feel more creative and are helping to keep me feelin' young! And they just make me smile when I look at them. I've even started collecting vinyl stickers and have them on the inside of my craft cabinet and on my portable Janome sewing machine.
I just can't stop looking at these little gals! Did you see the little birdies on the dress of to the left? I just love little birdies like that. (Speaking of birds, I just saw a hummingbird coming to my backyard feeder this weekend! I was so excited!!! I had hoped that they were stopping by when I wasn't looking, but knowing for sure made me so happy!!!)
What collections do you have and what makes you want to collect more?