So much is going on right now that I kind of feel like I'm swimming in space. (At least, I'm guessing that swimming in space would feel like this... if I moved my arms like in the picture, it would catapult me forward through space until I did an oppostie motion to stop myself, then make another move in another direction and have the same thing happen all over again...) I get started on one thing and am moving forward, then something else jumps out and causes me to come to a screeching halt so I can address something different. Oh well, such is life, right? I guess so. But, since I've been working diligently at trying to simplify my life these sudden changes of direction are really getting on my nerves. I think I need a shirt that says in a bold, clear font, "Work with me, not against me" or perhaps I could just come up with something vulgar that would cause people to just steer clear. Like a simple hand signal? Just kidding... that would just create way more negative energy than I care to deal with right now.
On a lighter and more positive note, my little sister is celebrating her 26th birthday this Saturday and I can't wait to see her. I am meeting up with her, her new husband and some friends of theirs for a wonderful meal in Dallas. Friday night Hubby & I are having some dear friends over for dinner, and I am certainly looking forward to that, too. It should be a laid back and fun weekend. Yeah! And, of course I will make lots of time for crocheting! I have a little cardigan that I need to finish so that I can move on to necklaces!
Happy Wednesday everyone!