Since I've accepted this award there are some rules that I must also follow: must link back to the creator, must post these rules, must choose five new people to receive this award who fit the characteristics listed above, must post the characteristics needed to qualify for the award, must create a post sharing your win with others, and you must thank your giver.
I choose to pass this award along to the following wonderful bloggers: Write Softly...an amazing blog written by an amazing new mommy who revels in the many treasurable moments of motherhood; Becoming Me... an uplifting site that perfectly meets all the above listed criteria; the Nienie Dialogues... this has got to be the most moving blog I've found...it was created by a mother of four and a passionate wife who treasures her family, but is currently in a medically induced coma as she (and her husband) recovers from a private plane crash that occurred in August of this year. Her sister keeps Nie's blog going so that we can be blessed by her thoughtful living; C Jane... this blog is from Courtney, the sister of Nie, who keeps the readers abreast of Nie's progress and the progress of Nie's husband Christian, as well as posts about her own wonderfully amazing family moments; Blonde Revelations... a blog from the friend of mine who inspired me to blog in the first place, MC. She loves her family and is in a perpetual state of improvement, which I admire.
Thank you again to Ginette for enlightening me with this award, and for urging me to reflect on the blogs that have moved me. Nette's Niche is also a very inspiring blog that I read daily, but since she has already received the Smile Award I selected five others...belive me, Nette, you are in my top picks, too! And, thank you to all of the bloggers that I'm passing this award on to. Though most of us have never met, your blogs move me every day and I always look forward to reading your latest and greatest thoughts!
I look forward to reading more award-worthy blogs and discovering all sorts of new and inspriational ideas each week! Happy blogging everyone!