Monday, March 22, 2010

Countdown to Easter

Another holiday is fast approaching and I am once again not ready for it. I keep hearing myself saying in my head, "This time last year I told myself that I would have x number of holiday crafts already prepared." And do I have any number of Easter crafts visible in my home?


Matter of fact, my Valentine garland is still hanging from my mantle. Fortunately, I did manage to whip up a couple of super cute baby caps this weekend that I plan putting in my etsy shop. But, other than that, I didn't accomplish any holiday works of art.

So, just in time for those of you who are on the ball and would like to add another Easter decoration option to your craft list, check out what Heather Bailey blogged about and made available to her fans. Just click on the picture and you can hop right over to great fabrics & patterns, as well as this little tribute she created in homage to vintage Easter decor.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to try and pull my head out of where it doesn't belong so that I can make something Easter-ish before April 4th.