Monday, March 1, 2010


Sometimes I think that it is so much easier to follow a pattern than to try and make one. But, since I want to produce things that I can sell my goal is to come up with my own designs. (Like my RuffleSkinny scarf that you can find at!)

As you may already know some pattern makers don't permit you to sell what you make from their designs. I've acquired so many free and purchased patterns over the course of the past year that I can't remember which designer has what rules, so I just make things from someone else's pattern for my own personal benefit so that I don't infringe on anyone's copyrights. Plus, there seems to be some debate over the internet as to what you can freely make and sell, and what you must purchase a license to sell. So, I'll just steer clear of that whole issue until I can verify things for myself.

I sat and fiddled with a brooch for a couple of hours yesterday morning. I was on a roll at first. Then I talked myself out of liking what I made. So, I put the brooch down until I could stir up further inspiration. It just seems to need.... something.

That led me to begin my usual over-analysis process:

Perhaps I should just make more of what I already know how to, like the RuffleSkinny scarf. Perhaps I shouldn't worry about failure and just keep trying to come up with new ideas, no matter how much time it takes me. I guess that's what Benjamin Franklin would've suggested...

Do you sell what you make? And do you consider yourself to be a pattern maker or a follower? How much time have you invested in patterns or designs?