Sunday, August 30, 2009

August Blocks finished!

These were the blocks I put together for Krista, the August member of the virtual quilting bee I'm part of. The instructions were to use Amish quilt blocks as inspiration, but to make whatever you wanted as long it was a 12.5 inch block. I would've made two of the "Pieced Star" blocks but I didn't have enough black fabric. So, the second block that I named "Double H" was just kind of a create as you go type of block.
I must admit I've got some work to do before I'm a professional piecer. Which frustrates me because when I went through all my fabric stashes last weekend I found some blocks that I had pieced when The Little Guy was a baby. (11 years ago) Those blocks were down right perfect. Ok, pretty close to perfect. I didn't feel these two orange and black blocks were perfect. But, I did my best. And they are exactly 12.5 inches square, which is a first for me.

Yesterday the fabric for the September quilting bee member, Carm, has arrived. Beautiful fabrics and very soothing colors. This fabric also came with the instructions to make whatever I want. So, I've got some planning and research to do because nothing is coming to my mind automatically.

You know what's funny? September marks the fourth month of the quilting bee out of twelve. Three out of the four members so far have told the sewers in the group to make whatever they want, no pattern or detailed instructions were given other than the size of the finished block. Want to know who the one member so far was that made everyone follow a pattern? Yep, it was me. Does that speak volumes about my anal retentive personality, or what? That's ok, I guess. I like me.